We are the ORIGINAL Men’s Clinic in Canada, successfully treating men’s sexual health issues since 1997

FREE - NO CONSULTATION FEE FOR ED - We don't charge you to visit our doctor for Erectile Dysfunction. The fee is fully covered by OHIP. Virtual, phone or in-person appointments are available.

Acoustic Wave Therapy – only $99 per treatment! - This safe, noninvasive treatment is approved by Health Canada. It increases blood flow to improve erections. Compare our cost to other clinics charging up to five times or more for the exact same treatment.

Experienced, Professional Medical Doctors - Our professional medical clinic offers a full range of treatment options, rather than just one or two as is often the case at other clinics.

Over 95% patient success rate - Rediscover life with us. Visit as many times as you wish until we find the right treatment that works for you.
What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common forms of sexual dysfunction and is thought to affect up to 29% of men. Both the term “premature ejaculation” (PE) and the term “rapid ejaculation” (RE) are used to describe this condition. The most accurate definition of PE is “the persistent or recurrent onset of orgasm and ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it, causing marked distress or interpersonal difficulties”.
There is no clear time limit associated with PE. Most simply put, if you ejaculate too quickly (more quickly than you would like) and if this condition bothers or upsets you, it is likely that you have PE.
With professional help from the exceptional doctors and staff at the Canadian Men’s Clinic, there are several ways to correct this problem. Treatment is aimed at helping men maintain erections, improve confidence and control of ejaculation.
Would you like to make an appointment with a doctor now or get more information?
Help is easily available for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sex drive, and those in need of a gentle vasectomy.
No consultation fee for ED, covered by OHIP. For immediate information or to book an appointment please call our clinic at 416 636-7377 (416 MENS-DR’S). You are also welcome to send us a confidential email.
What Causes Premature Ejaculation?
In some instances, PE can be a side effect of erectile dysfunction. In other words, the anxiety associated with not being able to maintain an erection can often lead to a habit of early ejaculation. However, when a man is able to have normal erections, premature ejaculation may be caused by physical and/or psychological problems.
Throughout the world, attempts to better understand the physical causes of PE are underway. The physical problem associated with premature ejaculation can be simply described as “over-sensitivity” of the penis. In these cases, the man responds far more rapidly to normal sensations, resulting in rapid ejaculation, much sooner than he expected.
Psychological causes of PE are often associated with “performance anxiety” – anxiety relating to sexual intercourse. The man focuses only on the process of ejaculation, and not on the enjoyment of sexual intercourse, leading to increased tension and usually premature ejaculation. Men may actually avoid sex because they fear not satisfying their partner. This can cause further difficulties in the relationship or make it difficult for him to find a partner.
Performance anxiety may also lead to erectile dysfunction as the fear and stress associated with sexual intercourse makes achieving and maintaining an erection much more difficult.